Stop Hair Loss

Understand your hair issues

There are many possible causes of hair loss. The best way to fix it will depend on figuring out exactly why you are losing hair. An effective solution is all about getting to the root of the problem, and our hair loss specialists can help diagnose that problem. For example, if someone has alopecia universalis, then laser growth treatments are not going to work and we are better off going straight to other methods. However, if someone is showing baldness symptoms because of a skin condition, then we might be able to fix it with topical creams to help it grow back normally. When you come see us, you will get clear answers and concrete timeframes. This means we will tell you exactly what to expect from your solution and when to expect it. That way, if it is not working as well as it should, we will find something else that does. We will be with you until you have hair that you love!

Understand your hair issues with the Hair Loss Specialists

There are many possible causes of hair loss. The best way to fix it will depend on figuring out exactly why you are losing hair. An effective solution is all about getting to the root of the problem, and our hair loss specialists can help diagnose that problem. For example, if someone has alopecia universalis, then laser growth treatments are not going to work and we are better off going straight to other methods. However, if someone is showing baldness symptoms because of a skin condition, then we might be able to fix it with topical creams to help it grow back normally.

When you come see us, you will get clear answers and concrete timeframes. This means we will tell you exactly what to expect from your solution and when to expect it. That way, if it is not working as well as it should, we will find something else that does. We will be with you until you have hair that you love!
The first step is diagnosing the problem.
The second step is finding a solution.
The third step is making it happen.

A day in life of a hair

It is easy to forget that by itself, a strand of hair is just a lifeless string of proteins. The follicle – located right at the scalp and inside the skin itself – is where all the action happens. All hair strands have a lifecycle consisting of three different stages.

Every single hair goes through these stages, but the length of each phase varies a lot.

The first step is diagnosing the problem.
The second step is finding a solution
The third step is making it happen
This is called the anagen phase. Each individual head hair has its own lifespan of 2-7 years, and almost all of it is spent in the anagen phase, growing rapidly. At any given time, about 90% of the strands on your head are in this stage.
Eventually each hair will stop growing and enter the catagen phase. It cuts off its own circulation and dries up.
This is known as the telogen phase and it is when the dried up follicles naturally fall out, and a new one starts growing in its place.

Diagnosing Hair Loss

Pull Test

Pull Test

This is exactly as low-tech as it sounds, and you can even do it at home. It involves gently tugging on a group of a few dozen strands and counting how many come out. Generally, a few should be in the final telogen phase and will come out easily. If a disproportionate amount comes loose, then it is a decent indicator of clinical hair loss.​

Hair Counts

Hair Counts

This is also exactly what it sounds like. If someone still has a lot of scalp coverage but is worried that they are losing more than the normal amount, one of the many different counting methods we utilise can help us discover the extent of the issue.​

Microscopic Examination

Microscopic Examination

By closely examining the roots with a microscope, it is possible to tell what phase the hair strands were in when they were shed. If you have a lot of them coming out in their anagen or catagen phase, it will mean one thing, but if you have an unusual amount in their telogen phase, it will mean another. This is also an excellent way of identifying skin conditions and bacterial infections that might be causing hair loss.​



This basically means looking really closely at your scalp and hairs with a powerful, high-magnification video camera and displaying what we see on a screen, so you can see exactly what we are looking at. This is particularly good at identifying alopecia-related symptoms and skin problems.​

Scalp Biopsis

Scalp Biopsis

The collection of scalp tissue and hair samples for specific analysis. Usually, we only do this if the issue is particularly tricky to identify, or if we have a good idea what the problem is but need to confirm our suspicions.​

Where to begin?

When you call New Generation Hair, we will work with you until you are completely happy with the results. No case is too tricky and we are extremely good at what we do. The first step is making an appointment with one of our Newcastle, Sydney or Parramatta hair loss specialists. Just call or contact us online, and you will be on a path that is 100% guaranteed to lead to hair that you love.